
Polygons are two-dimensional geometric figures with a finite number of sides. A polygon's sides are made up of straight line segments that are joined end to end. As a result, the line segments of a polygon are referred to as sides or edges. The place where two line segments meet is known as the vertex or corners, and an angle is generated as a result.

-Has 3 sides and 3 vertices
-Has no diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 180 degrees

-Has 4 sides and 4 vertices
-Has 2 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 360 degrees

-Has 5 sides and 5 vertices
-Has 5 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 540 degrees

-Has 6 sides and 6 vertices
-Has 9 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 720 degrees

-Has 7 sides and 7 vertices
-Has 14 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 900 degrees

-Has 8 sides and 8 vertices
-Has 20 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 1080 degrees

-Has 9 sides and 9 vertices
-Has 27 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 1260 degrees

-Has 10 sides and 10 vertices
-Has 35 diagonals
-Sum of the interior angles is 1440 degrees